An important message from our CEO regarding COVID-19
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for supporting SOCK SEASON during this pandemic!!! Our team is truly grateful for every single order that keep our business alive!!!
Dear Sock Season family,
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) affects us all in diverse ways, we are closely monitoring this rapidly evolving situation. We are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as our local, state and federal governments, to minimize the spread and impact of the virus.
Our online store is fully operational and shipping orders as usual. However, we do limit the employee numbers and have equipped our warehouse with additional cleaning and sanitizing supplies, and our teams are following the prescribed safety protocols of regular handwashing, sanitization of all surfaces and minimizing physical contact.
All of our office employees have been advised stay at home and seek medical attention if they experience any of the known virus symptoms. We are in ongoing communication with them to ensure they have appropriate, continual support throughout this period.
As always, we look forward to continue serving you online, and our customer service team stands ready to assist with order support or any questions you may have.
Together, we can fight this disease!

Anni Peng
Co-Founder & CEO, Sock Season